When looking for a place to vacation, it’s nice to know what you and your guests can do for free. No matter how affordable your lodging is, it’s nice to know that you can find some free stuff to do with your time on vacation in Maine. Use the money you’ll save on a delicious meal out on the town. You’ll find great food and free things to do in Ogunquit, Maine, by staying at The Beachmere Inn on the Ocean. Here are some ideas for how to spend your day by doing free stuff in Ogunquit, Maine.
- One of the best attractions in Maine is the Marginal Way. Marginal Way stretches over a mile along the ocean, lined with benches.
- Visit the Ogunquit Memorial Library. It’s an essential piece of the city’s history dating back to the late 1800s.
- If the weather is ideal, try hiking Mount Agamenticus. This is a 30,000-acre park with plenty of beautiful views and unique wildlife.
- Check out the Ogunquit Museum of American Art if you are into art. Inside you will find modern American art and some of the works of Andy Warhol.
- Jump on board the Ogunquit Trolley. It’s a great way to see much of the city quickly.
- Lounge or walk along the shores of Ogunquit Beach. It’s a popular location for swimmers, surfers, or those that want to enjoy a picnic.
Have Fun For Free In Ogunquit, Maine
As you can see, there is more than enough free stuff to do when you stay in Ogunquit, Maine. You’ll find enough free things to do to fill your entire day when you spend your time with The Beachmere Inn on the Ocean. Tour our five buildings to see which oceanfront or residential location is right for you! Stay with The Beachmere Inn on the Ocean to book your Ogunquit, Maine, vacation. Please check our availability online or give us a call at 1-800-336-3983.